Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Damn you Internets!

I am spending way too much time reading and posting on forums these days. It's good to see all the great projects going on over at tigsoucre, but there is just so much information there that I've missed out on that I'm trying to catch up with that I'm easily spending two hours a day reading the forum posts. Plus working on my website and having various other things going on, I really need to refocus.

The server for the website will be down for a short amount of time as I'm going to move it on Thursday to a temporary place. Not that anyone goes to my site anyways, because there's not a lot to see there yet, but just in case someones wondering.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well, I modified the blog layout to resemble the theme on the Main website so now things look somewhat uniform.
I've been doing way too much messing around the internet as of late and not enough coding on the engine. I'm also going to be moving again next week, so things are a little hectic right now.

I'll be moving into the heart of downtown Des Moines for the 3 time in four years. I finally got a decent apartment down there though, so I plan on staying there a few years. Which will be an awesome change because, well, I tend to move a lot.

So I'm supposed to be finishing up game state management, python interfaces, and working on the next version of Scribe. Those three things will put me to what I'll be considering a 1.0 version of the engine. It'll be the bare nuts and bolts, and will allow me to make games.

I'm then going to be working on a side scroller and completing the Barricade Proto-type, which has stood still since April.

Then there's the networking layer and the effects layer to take care of, which I'm considering extra at this point, but really is a necessary part of any modern game engine.(Hell even 10 years ago.)

I'm really aiming to have all of those tasks completed six months from now. Those things will be doable, but are going to require extreme focus on my part. Especially as I'm trying to do the gathering of gamers thing and develop my site community. I'm also going to be having to have some beta testers come on board and help test things.

If anyone is interested in beta testing email: support at decipherone.com