Friday, December 05, 2008

More of what I don't know

Made some progress today on the new data management classes for the engine. I'm working to get linked list implemented in such a way that objects and scenes will be able to be as dynamic as possible. And as per usual, I'm rolling my own, which is always fun, educational, and tedious.

I have to go Christmas shopping for the family sometime this weekend, which will be a nightmare I'm sure !!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't meet my goal 15 minute segments of internet use today, but I did cut back, which helped me be more productive.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Please sir, can I have some more...

So, it's crunch time for the next.. oh.. two years. Not the cap'n crunch kind of crunch time either, although I do have some crunch berries, my son picked them out. But no, I'm talking nose to the grind stone, eating, sleeping, pooping work.

I now have taken on three full time jobs. Lottery, Game Engine Developement/ Personal Website Development, and GoG Tournament system development. So what does this mean. It means that I've got to really get organized. My plate is full to the brim and if I'm going to be that orphan who gets that next bowl of gruel, I'm going to have to scarf down that first bowl, no matter how hot and tasteless it may be.

Luckily my metaphorical gruel doesn't taste bad, but that first bowl seems like it's a never ending amount to shovel. This just means that I have to get really organized.
In order to do this, I'm simply going to focus on the tasks that I lay out for myself each week, as well as limit the time that I spend on the internet (huge time killer) to 45 minutes a day, unless related to the Lottery, which doesn't count, 15 minute segments broken up throughout the day. The limitation includes research also, meaning that I'm going to have to use books for the vast majority of my reference hunting and if there is something that I need to look up, I better damn well have a good idea of what I'm looking for before I get on the net. This of course hasn't started today, but will start in the morning.

I'm also going to have to limit my gaming to no more then an hour a day (which I don't normally play every day anyways), which kind of sucks, because normally I'd just play for 3 to 5 hours twice a week or something, but this sucks those days away, which I'm going to need.

Before the new year, I need to :

Have Game States, G.U.I system, and the next version of the Editor started for the game engine.

Have a good start on the tournament system.

27 days after this one. Time to get this show on the road.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Riding the waves

Well, I did a radio spot today on Macs World for the GoG and it was a pretty cool time. I guess I don't really have a lot to say about it. I was trying to let Ben from Gathering of Gamers do most the talking as we were there to promote the GoG and he knows more about it then me. I do think that it was some good exposure for some of the things that we are trying to do in Iowa to further the gaming culture. Overall it was a great experience.

The last design posted previously to this post is currently being revised. I decided to go with a linked list approach to add some dynamic memory management at run time in the engine. So the previous constraints of the amount of scenes will be replaced.

I'm also going to be working on designing and developing an online tournament system for the GoG. With work, being a dad, game development, and now the tournament system being developed, my time is pretty much spoken for, for quite sometime. This isn't bad, doesn't leave a hole lot of time to play Fallout 3. Which shouldn't all be bad as it'll leave more of the game to play once they release a decent patch for the game which is scheduled sometime this month.