Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Source Control

Source control is something that I neglected for quite sometime due to some issues that I had a few years ago with using Microsoft Source Safe. I'd asked some fellas over at a little while ago about what they were using as I have plans to get some additional help with projects in the near future and was wanting to look into again.

After looking at some of their suggestions I decided on Subversion , and I finally downloaded it to the server and started working with it today. At first it was kind of a struggle because even though the documentation is pretty thorough, it leaves out some important details. It seemed no matter what phrases I was typing into google, I couldn't find any other documentation.

It wasn't until I entered the phrase subversion walkthrough that I actually found some sites that help me get it up and working. Mainly Video How To: Getting Started with Subversion and Source Control was what I looked towards for some straight forward answers. It's a really well made tutorial for anyone looking to start using subversion on windows and it also introduced me to the GUI command tool Tortoise which is way better then simply using the command line interfaces.

I'm pretty happy with the experience so far, and am glad that I can now have access to things remotely as well. Now to actually get some coding done.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Autumn and the Gathering of Gamers!

September is here already and although I've done better this year then any other at blogging I still haven't met a lot of my goals in that area, but things happen, people get busy, and time goes by, just like every other year and every other life.

At any rate, as per usual, I've been pretty busy. As previously mentioned, I'm still working on building the site over at , but it's been kind of slow going, along with production on the game engine. I haven't really been spreading myself too thin, more so I've been getting side tracked a lot with spending time with friends and also getting some other projects going.

One such project is getting involved with the guys over at . This is a great social networking site that is geared specifically towards gaming. With the exception of the great games experiment, I haven't been one for social sites, but this is one that I've actually been somewhat active in this year. I met the president Ben at our first game developer group meeting last year, and managed to meet up with him again and the site intern Zach (aka RyuBlitz on the site)a few weeks ago where we played some disc-golf, some 360 and had a few drinks. We had a great time.

At any rate, I'm very impressed with the site as it's grown to near 2,000 members as of this writing in a little over a year(just over as of August 26), and people keep getting more and more involved. There are plans for me to help out with some contract work as well as help promote the site and attempt to get some networking opportunities set up. It is dedicated to helping gamers network. You set up a profile and have friends, classic social site style.

Last week there was also the addition of a clan system that is used to help those involved in gaming ladders keep track of their members. The site has recently seen an onslaught of KSI members join since the system first went live and we expect to see numbers continue to grow.

Ben recently got back from New York last week where he went to meet up with the Microsoft based company Massive which specializes in in game advertisement. The plan is that the GoG is going to be in charge of a gaming event in New York in November.

Other interesting opportunities have happened for this small upstart, like attending E3 and plans to attend the Major League Gaming Playoffs in Dallas Texas in October.

If you are a gamer and you're looking for a place to hook up with other gamers, then the GoG is the place for you. Stop on by and check out some profiles, find other peoples gaming tags and meet up with them on line. Come be a part of a growing community that has of yet seen it's peak time. With many more plans for the future, get into the Gathering while the getting's good.