Monday, June 19, 2006

Genesis(Not the master system)

It's been a many year(going on four) since I first began my journey into the realm of game creation, and it has been in this last year that my direction for which I seriously will be headed has really took root. "So, what is this path there Will," you may be asking yourself. Well, let me tell you, it is the path of a truely independent game production house. I have had this idea for a while, but for fear of failure, or success, or some unknown deep dark reason, I never fully was dedicated to pursuing this end, until now. Maybe it's some on going inspiration from the independent productionist out there already in the mediums of music, movies, and games that continues to inspire me, or maybe it's some idea that was ingraved into my brain like some bad acid trip from the nineties. What ever the reason it's full steam a head, no looking back, for better or worse, death to us part, this path is my baby. Now if only I figure out how to program my computer to cook me dinner and keep me company durring those long, lonely nights, or atleast to swipe enough rounded off cents from bank accounts across the country to afford the occassional hooker ;P

But before the hookers and kegs of beer are distributed to me and my readers, there is a lot of work a head. As I work on a timeline for the continuation of my current projects, please, take a moment to familiarize yourself with my rather empty but aestheticly pleasing website DecipherOne Productions There you can find some general information about my current projects, although some of the finer points and directions that those projects were going have diverged and the 3D engine has evolved into something different altogether.

In the remaining days of this week, I will work to publish some general information about the top secret game engine I'm working on, maybe post some screen shots, as well as publish small exerts from the book that I haven't been writing for the last five years. This blog is an attempt to better motivate myself, and educate those that may be interested in reading some cryptic dribble every once in a while.

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