Monday, August 21, 2006


Well, we have it four days sober, and the start of an in game console for T3D. It feels good to be hard at work, focused, and back on a path that I fell off of roughly four months ago. I'm currently familiarizing myself with the process of a timestep so that the animation for displaying the console window displays correctly. I really know squat about graphics programming. Up until this year, I've mainly focused on programming in general, seeing as the only things I've completed code wise were various example applications, a quarter of a completed text game(really only lacked content, all the subsystems and systems were complete), and my first game demo that I coded in Visual Basic three years ago. SO, needless to say I'm learning a lot this year, but it has gone slow up until this point due to neglect of effort, well consistantely anyways.

I have a feeling that I will have to end up doing a complete overhaul after a while on my entire code base, but I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I need to concentrate on completing some lower systems and then move on to constructing my first scene graph, from there I should be ready to start concentrating on scripting, geometry, physics, and a host of other shit that I'm sure it's going to take me another year or two to complete to a functional version. It's a long road, but you can only take it one step at a time.

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