Saturday, February 23, 2008

Attack of Comformity

Well, this week I started back into the work force. The good news is that I really like my new job. My boss is really cool and so are the guys who have been training me. Once training is over I'll pretty much be working on my own most of the time, which will be ok as well. Time was eaten up completely by work and family obligations this week. I only managed to code a total of about two hours, most of which time was spent working on the gamepad code and doing a bit of reading in that area.

I should have at least two hours a day to work on game stuff once training is over too as I ended up working some overtime almost everyday this week to get through the first part of training. It's going to take me a little bit to get some balance going on so I can fit game development related stuff into the mix. I should also be able to do 20 hours a week extra every other week when my son is with his mother, which will help out and then probably two to four hours in the mornings when my son is here if I get up at 5am. So, things will be progressing still. I will get the game pad code done by Sunday night. I've got a lot to do after that as well. More later.

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