Thursday, March 13, 2008

A little bit at a time.

I made a little bit of progress today. I finished some auxiliary functions for helping to manage opengl that I had been meaning to finish for a while, and I continued working on the design for handling game states within the engine.

I need to finish writing the state functionality as well as finish adding the DirectInput legacy support for the engine. Then I'll be able to move on to GUI stuff. I've got to work this weekend as well, but I hope to get the state management finished with. For one reason or another I started doing the state management and game pad support at roughly the same time, I should have just finished one before moving on to the other, but it's a little late for that. AH well. You know, I tend to lose my sense of humor when I'm tired, which is kind of weird. Or I lose my ability to express my sense of humor when I'm tired. It's like my comedic kryptonite.

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