Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Riding the waves

Well, I did a radio spot today on Macs World for the GoG and it was a pretty cool time. I guess I don't really have a lot to say about it. I was trying to let Ben from Gathering of Gamers do most the talking as we were there to promote the GoG and he knows more about it then me. I do think that it was some good exposure for some of the things that we are trying to do in Iowa to further the gaming culture. Overall it was a great experience.

The last design posted previously to this post is currently being revised. I decided to go with a linked list approach to add some dynamic memory management at run time in the engine. So the previous constraints of the amount of scenes will be replaced.

I'm also going to be working on designing and developing an online tournament system for the GoG. With work, being a dad, game development, and now the tournament system being developed, my time is pretty much spoken for, for quite sometime. This isn't bad, doesn't leave a hole lot of time to play Fallout 3. Which shouldn't all be bad as it'll leave more of the game to play once they release a decent patch for the game which is scheduled sometime this month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where did you get the information that a patch for fallout 3 was being released this month? I've been all over the bethesda forums, and the only statement Gs posted was that, they are working on a patch across all 3 platforms and will keep us posted. So I'm curious to know where you got your information.