Monday, July 03, 2006

and Now for Something Completely ...... similar

It's going to be a slow work week for me this week, which isn't a bad thing. It'll enable me to get a lot done in regards to my 3d engine and allow me to get to do something that I don't really do often enough, play some games. Next week, I'll be going on vacation to Colorado for five days. It'll be a blast, and the first vacation that I'll have taken in about seven years. I can't wait to be up in the mountains, and I'll make sure to take lots of pictures.

Of course with these two events unfolding in the order that they are, this is going to make for a small pay check come next pay day. I suppose you have to give up some things in order to receive others, money being the sacrifice here, and free time being the gain. I don't think I'm actually going to complete the graphical test bed for C.F.L. before I leave, but I did decide not to go with the idea I was going to test out, so it seems that it kind of worked itself out. Instead, I'm going to be focusing on getting my 3d engines scenegraph up and working and adding other various functionality that I had in the older version that I created earlier this year, that needs some adjustments made to it.

I do want to post some screen shots and other things before I go, and I also plan to write a series of articles (that I've been planning to write for way too long) to help younger or less experienced up and comming developers down the road to grandma's I mean game development.