Saturday, January 05, 2008

Enter the Rat

It's been a while since I have blogged oh blog of interest oh mine. As a new year starts I am reminded of my own mortality, of the short time that I know I have to get things going, of the relationships that I have to remember to cherish and of all the good things that are to come.

Game development wise, things have still been moving forward, slowly but surely. I was even gracious enough to help start a local game development meeting that meets the second Tuesday of every month, which is very cool. It's good to find some kindred spirits in the area. Unfortunately life has been heck tick due to some bad decision making on my part, so I haven't really had the time to build those relationships as much as I would like, but that should change with time.

Engine progress is going well, editor is coming a long too. I'm entering a design phase again currently, making sure that things are going where I need them too and deciding on the functionality that I really need to concentrate on. Also, I'm shooting to have a playable Barricade demo complete by the end of this month. Short of adding collision detection to the game demo, it's pretty much complete.

I'll be shooting to journal more once again, as I gain some stability to my interest once more. I'll need to structure up some actual interesting things to write about for a change though. :P