~ Begin the year end update ~
Yay! Server is back online and so am I, with a dedicated connection. This will be a good thing heading into the new year and should allow for things to continue to move forward. I was thinking of doing a year end review but I'm not sure if it'd really be all that beneficial for anyone. I mean, I reflect enough as it is and it seems like everyone is talking about year end wrap ups or recaps and, well good for them.
I've started work back on Barricade currently. I'm working to finish some of the game mechanics that I did not finish during work on the proto-type. I worked on it a couple of days last week and some decent headway.
I switched back to this for two reasons. One, I decided to port my existing code base over to Qt in order to get things independent of a specific OS. This will allow for the editor to be cross platform as well as the engine itself and will hopefully open up a wider user base.
I've never used to Qt before, but I'm getting the supposed manual and am going to start learning sometime in the next month. In the meantime, I decided to work on the Barricade demo some more. The second reason being, I have not been able to make a solid decision on the next iteration of the engines state management. I've gone through at least 3 redesigns this year, with the core system staying some what the same, but the implementations being very different. I need to buckle down and just make a decision for this as it's been holding back progress from other areas for quite sometime now.
On a more personal note, I usually find it hard to focus around this time of year, and this year is no exception. It's almost tormenting to simply want to put everything off until the new year and just go out and live it up with everyone, but there's times and places for those things, not every day.