The way I see it, We've only just begun
I returned from a five day trip to Colorado on Monday night. It was a much needed vacation after getting burned out in regards to my job for the last eleven months. It was very rejuvenating and inspiring. We spent most of the trip hiking through Roosevelt National Park and seeing the local sites of Boulder Colorado. It was great to mingle with some interesting people, as party members of our trip consisted of a long time friend and two acquittance's that I feel I connected with on various levels. Hopefully some good things will come into fruitation from the journey as far as future projects go.
Now that I am back home, it is time to begin concentrating on where I really left off in April of this year. I am now rearing and ready to go and will be concentrating to make this year the most productive yet.
Currently I'm studying Scene Graphs for what I am now referring to as T3D, which is the game engine that I've been working on. This is a subject that I have had little experience with up to this point. But of course as any engine programmer knows is definitely a core element in any engines design. I would like to be past this bench mark by the time I plan to move out of my mom's house at the end of August.
In other news, I saw Clerks II today and me being a Kevin Smith fan boy aside, I really enjoyed the movie. There was definitely a lot of good jokes and as stated by Smith in various writings and interviews before the movies release, it definitely did have some more heart felt moments and a did a good job of balancing the humor and deeper life messages. Definitely worth five bucks or eight, depending on the show time, so if you're thinking about checking it out, I'd definitely recommend it.