It's Wednesday for Goodness Sake
The purpose of this blog is more for me to reflect on my current progress and direction that I'm heading in to accomplish my goals. Ideally, a development journal and a place for me to share opinions with other individuals. Unfortunately, it's hard to journal about development when you aren't doing any.
It seems that I have always been a fan of extremes in life. I believe this to be in my nature and interestingly enough I can even see this trait displayed in the actions of my three year old son. This is kind of scary, because throughout my life it has constantly gotten me into either great success, or great trouble. As I've gotten older, I have learned to better balance my decision making, but this has more so been true for about the last couple of years. At any rate, it's hard to accomplish much when your going back and forth from one side of the spectrum to the other. I feel like I've been struggling to keep my balance lately, and because of this certain aspects(mainly my projects) have been suffering.
So in the words of one of my child hood friends nintey year old bed ridden grandmother, I need to shit or get off the pot. (I'm sure many other people have said those words but she's the first person I ever remember using that phrase.)
I haven't worked on the engine since before I left for Colorado, which is sad. I've vowed to make good use of this year, and damnit, I'm going too.
In other news I've got a web server I'm working on , which is better then wasting all my time I suppose. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it exactly though, and should probably do some brain storming in the coming weeks. Sometimes I just feel spread to thin, others too thick. Where is that magical formula for the perfect peanut butter?