Reiterated Statements
I managed to change my template around today. It wasn't really that hard to figure out what all the tags were for, although it has been a while since I last dived into any net code at all. So, I'm sitting here, doing this, mainly to keep my mind occupied. I've given myself a rough week as of last and well, frightfully enough, all I seem to be able to do is to through myself into something, in order to get back on my feet. I'm being a bit criptic here, but I'll leave it at that, I don't really feel a need to clarify as I know what I mean.
So, I'm still working on researching and designing a scene graph for my game engine. I haven't really done much of anything this last month, but I'm at a point in the engine work and in my life, where focusing strictly on the things in my life that need to be done is top priority. It's pretty obvious too me, just from reading my previous entries that this blog has had little to do with my actual pursuit of game development and more of a ranting on my struggle with alchohol abuse, which tells me a lot about my life these last few months. I'd really like to see this blog deal more with game design, as with my life having to deal with no more alchohol abuse.
My Quote of the day : By Me
Plans are often only as good as the convictions of those who attempt to carry them out.