Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wide Area Collision - Phase 1 Complete

Ok, so I'm still hard at work and making decent amounts of progress.

Yesterday, I took the time to fix proper scaling of the bots in proportion to their game display size in accordance with their actual size on the sprite sheets. I also remapped the textures so that they are now more precise and there are only some minor fluctuations now that your average person probably won't notice, just very slight dither blurring at certain translation locations of the sprites. I was thinking that it's due to floating point error, but I'm satisfied with it for the demo. That actually took most of yesterday to complete and I think I did some more things as well, but I can't really remember so they must not have been to vital.

Today I set back to work on the wide spectrum collision detection for the blocks. What exactly does the wide spectrum collision detection entail you may ask. Well it simply keeps track of the blocks that aren't resting(as in falling), what sector(s) of the block placement area that the block is in. It then looks at other blocks in the same sector and determines which one is underneath a falling block. From there a narrow collision is checked against that specific item. If a collision happens, the falling item is then marked as resting. It works out pretty good.

The second phase of the wide area collision has to deal with updating blocks when blocks below them are destroyed testing if other blocks prevent certain blocks from falling and then entering into the first phase. I guess you could really reverse the numbers for the phases or just call one the top phase which is what I have to finish yet. I got some testing and tweaking to do to it yet. Hopefully that'll be finished tomorrow with minimal effort.

In the meantime, here's a screen of the first phase in action. After the blocks are initially placed on the grid, the collision system now kicks in and the blocks land on top of each other. If you scroll down and look at the picture of the post where I finished the initial block placement, you'll be able to notice the difference.

Click it for a bigger pic. More Later.

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