Friday, February 01, 2008

Minor Info

Well, I've been pretty busy with other things today. But I spent a few hours fixing another problem. If you look at the screen shots below, ever since I started working on the collision and block placement, the blocks seemed to have a lot of space in between them. I was a little confused about this because I had used my editor to map the textures to the size that they were supposed to be. It turns out however that somewhere a long the lines I had lost five pixels in length and width on my small blocks. Using math to multiply the bounding volumes was how I got a visual stencil to map my other sized blocks, so the loss of five pixels translated over to 10 in width of the narrow blocks and 10 in width and height for the bigger blocks. This of course is what caused all that space. After figuring that out this morning, I set about fixing it over the last couple of hours. That's done now. Here's a screen shot.

__Click for bigger view__

Ironically all that space actually helped me to develop my collision system though, so it worked out pretty well having that error happen.

Ah.. now that's much better. I still haven't finished the wide spectrum collision, but as I stated I've been busy with other stuff today. I may finish it tonight, but definitely will get it done by tomorrow. I'll be going back to work at a day job next week, so I want to get as much finished over the weekend as possible. More later.

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