Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taking back the web.

Well, I've certainly done an excellent job of focusing on blogging :P At any rate, I am hard at work on things as per usual. I'm working to learn Qt still, attempting to work through the C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 book that I purchased at the beginning of the month. I want to get through the entire thing before moving forward with porting the engine code over to making use of Qt. I figure it could be March before that process is completed.

It would be faster, but I'm also working to development a tournament tool for . This is going to be taking a lot of time up as it's turning into a rather large project as time goes on. It's been fun to design though and I can't wait to start developing it. I'm currently in full fledged R&D mode still, but as I work with the other site developers to polish the design, work on building it should pick up within the next couple of weeks.

In the mean time as I do research for this project, I'm moving forward with adding some functionality to the website. I added some basic news submission to the site and will be adding some more stuff in the coming weeks.

In other news, after my rant about Microsoft last post, I'm now the proud owner of an XBox 360. I spent quite a bit of time gaming the first few days I got it and have managed to put in an hour or so every couple of days, which is more gaming then I've done in a long time. I have to say I'm fairly pleased with it so far and with the exception of the payment system, am fairly impressed with Xbox Live as well. Dead Space is also an excellent game.

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